Ends on $25.00

General Guidelines

Open to writers aged 55 and older for an original, previously unpublished novel of literary fiction (see below) written in English.  Word count: 65,000 words minimum; 100,000 words maximum.  All content must be original, no AI generated content, single author works only, no translations allowed. Previously published works are ineligible, including self-published works in any format.  If short excerpts of the work have been previously published in literary magazines (print or online), that will not disqualify the manuscript.

Literary Fiction defined: Fiction that emphasizes characterization and language/style over plot and concept; writing that eschews clichés of all kinds and at all levels.

Submission Process:  All manuscripts must be submitted through Submittable in PDF or word.doc format. Manuscripts sent to Serving House Books’ email or postal addresses will not be read. 

Anonymity: Manuscripts must be anonymous; there should be no appearance of your name or any other identifying features anywhere on or in the manuscript, or in the document name of your submitted work.

Formatting: Manuscripts must be formatted according to the following guidelines:

12 pt Times New Roman font


minimum 1-inch margins

numbered pages

All submissions must be accompanied by a <250 word synopsis. Include this at the beginning of the manuscript. 

No multiple submissions.

Simultaneous Submissions allowed, but please notify us of acceptance elsewhere.

Cover Letter: Please include a separate cover letter with a 3rd person BIO for the editor. Committee readers will not see this document, and again there should be no appearance of your name or any other identifying features anywhere on or in the manuscript, or in the document name of your submitted work.

The Broken Tribe Press 50 State American Series Project
(only authors from Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California) 

for Poetry collections, Short Story collections, Novellas, and Novels

Enter your book to win the contest for your state! 

(only the above states in this 2024 entry; new states open in 2025)
– Open September 2-December 2
- $12 reading fee (put towards the small press production costs and web fees)

One book will win for each of the five states.

We accept poetry books 60 pages +, short fiction collections 90 pages+, novellas 90+ pages, and novels under 100,000 words, all excluding front and back matter.

Simultaneous submissions are okay. Please withdraw your work immediately if it is accepted elsewhere; however, there are no refunds.

We only accept unpublished works for this submission. Sections previously published as a chapbook or individual poems or stories are acceptable, but the manuscript as a whole must be unpublished.

Manuscript Guidelines:
Authors must currently live in the state for at least five years. Winners and/or finalists will be asked to show documentation. The book does not need to be set in the state, but it certainly is a bonus if it is!

· Do not include any identifying information on your manuscript. This is a blind reading by five readers in five different states. The work is judged solely on the work, not who you are or where you’re from.

· Please, only human-produced writing with a soul. NO AI AT ALL.

· Please submit as .docx or pdf

· Include a Table of Contents for collections

· Number the pages

· Include a brief cover letter with a brief bio in third person and brief synopsis of the work (no more than a page total) as a separate upload.

Broken Tribe Press Offers:

Our books are paperback, perfect bound, color cover, with printed spine (writer's name, title, press).

We are committed to publishing accepted titles within four to ten months of acceptance in book paperback and ebook formats.

We offer a standard contract, a small number of author copies, a substantial discount on additional copies purchased by the author, and an annual royalty payment. There are NO fees to publish your book once accepted; however, we do offer an optional fee-based marketing plan.

Visit our site here to learn more about the tribe: www.brokentribepress.com

 Call for Essay Collections

– Free Open Reading Sept. 2 - Dec. 2

Serving House Books is seeking nonfiction essay collections. 

International writers of English welcome. Translations also welcome. 

Manuscripts should be 80 pages +, excluding front and back matter.

These manuscripts should be unpublished as a collection. 

Simultaneous submissions are acceptable. Please withdraw your work immediately if it is accepted elsewhere, should you wish to accept the other publication.

Manuscript Guidelines:

· Please, human-produced art with a soul only. NO AI AT ALL. 

· Please submit as a Word or pdf file

· Include a Table of Contents

· Number the pages

· Include an acknowledgements page

· In a separate upload, please include a brief cover letter with a brief bio in third person (no more than a page total)

About Serving House Books:

Publishers of international prose, poetry, art, and literary hybrids. Our roster includes a diversity of authors from around the world.

We are committed to publishing accepted titles within four to ten months of acceptance in paperback and ebook formats.

 We offer a standard contract, a small number of author copies, a substantial discount on additional copies purchased by the author, and an annual royalty payment.​ There are NO fees to publish your book once accepted; however, we do offer an optional fee-based marketing plan. 

 Visit our site here to learn more: www.servinghousebooks.com


2024 Broken Tribe Press Short Story Collection Award

submissions: July 1-October 1

We are seeking a 2024 winner in a short story collection 90 pages +, excluding front and back matter. 

Simultaneous submissions are okay. Please withdraw your work immediately if it is accepted elsewhere.

We only accept unpublished works for this submission. 

Translations are welcome.

Submit a separate brief cover letter with a brief bio in third person (no more than a page total) 

There is a $15 reading/processing fee for this contest. Proceeds go toward the production of the winning book.

Manuscript Guidelines: 

· Do not include any identifying information on your manuscript. This is a blind reading. The work is judged solely on the work, not who you are or where you’re from.

· Please, human-produced art with a soul only. NO AI. 

· Please submit as Words files only

· Include a Table of Contents

· Number the pages 

· Include an acknowledgements page

Broken Tribe Press 

Our books are paperback, perfect bound, color cover, with printed spine (writer's name, title, press).  We are committed to publishing accepted titles within four to ten months of acceptance. We offer a standard contract, a small number of author copies, a substantial discount on additional copies purchased by the author, and an annual royalty payment.​ There are NO fees to publish your book once accepted; however, we do offer an optional fee-based marketing plan. 



Congratulations, recent MFA graduate!

The MFA Award is for anyone in the world who has completed an MFA in Creative Writing in the past five years (1 May 2019 and later). Sorry no PhD or MAs in writing. 

We are open to all genres written in English, as long as it’s 60+ pages. This includes novels, novellas, story collections, poetry collections, creative nonfiction, and hybrid books. 

 Please read the guidelines below before submitting:

· We accept books 60 pages +, excluding front and back matter.

· There is a $10 submission fee for this contest

· You will be required to upload your degree or transcript excerpt (with blocked out SSN numbers & grades) 

· Please include a bio and brief synopsis of the work as a separate cover letter. 

· Simultaneous submissions are okay. Please withdraw your work immediately if it is accepted elsewhere and you wish to pursue that publication. Refunds cannot be issues for withdrawals.

· We only accept unpublished works for this submission. Sections previously published as a chapbook or individual poems or stories are acceptable, but the manuscript as a whole should be unpublished. 

· Do not include any identifying information on your manuscript. This is a blind reading. The work is judged solely on the work, not who you are or where you’re from. This award is being judged by a diverse committee of MFA graduates, professors, writers, and editors. 

· Please double-space and submit as a Word document.

· Please, human-produced work with a soul only. NO AI. 

Learn more about the Broken Tribe Press mission at our website: https://www.brokentribepress.com/about

Call for Poetry collections, Short Story collections, Novellas, and Novels 

– Open General Free Reading July 1-November 1

Click on our profile if you wish to enter the fee-based contests. 


We're seeking edgy and adventurous manuscripts.  

We accept poetry books 60 pages +, short fiction collections 90 pages+, novellas 90+ pages, and novels under 100,000 words, all excluding front and back matter.

Simultaneous submissions are okay. Please withdraw your work immediately if it is accepted elsewhere.

We only accept unpublished works for this submission. Sections previously published as a chapbook or individual poems or stories are acceptable, but the manuscript as a whole should be unpublished. 

Manuscript Guidelines:

· Do not include any identifying information on your manuscript. This is a blind reading. The work is judged solely on the work, not who you are or where you’re from.

· Please, only human-produced art with a soul. NO AI AT ALL. 

· Please submit as .docx.

· Include a Table of Contents

· Number the pages

· Include an acknowledgements page

· Include a brief cover letter with a brief bio in third person and brief synopsis of the work (no more than a page total) as a separate upload.

Broken Tribe Press Offers:

Our books are paperback, perfect bound, color cover, with printed spine (writer's name, title, press).

We are committed to publishing accepted titles within four to ten months of acceptance in book paperback and ebook formats.

We offer a standard contract, a small number of author copies, a substantial discount on additional copies purchased by the author, and an annual royalty payment.​ There are NO fees to publish your book once accepted; however, we do offer an optional fee-based marketing plan. 

Visit our site here to learn more about the tribe: www.brokentribepress.com