2024 Broken Tribe Press Short Story Collection Award

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2024 Broken Tribe Press Short Story Collection Award

submissions: July 1-October 1

We are seeking a 2024 winner in a short story collection 90 pages +, excluding front and back matter. 

Simultaneous submissions are okay. Please withdraw your work immediately if it is accepted elsewhere.

We only accept unpublished works for this submission. 

Translations are welcome.

Submit a separate brief cover letter with a brief bio in third person (no more than a page total) 

There is a $15 reading/processing fee for this contest. Proceeds go toward the production of the winning book.

Manuscript Guidelines: 

· Do not include any identifying information on your manuscript. This is a blind reading. The work is judged solely on the work, not who you are or where you’re from.

· Please, human-produced art with a soul only. NO AI. 

· Please submit as Words files only

· Include a Table of Contents

· Number the pages 

· Include an acknowledgements page

Broken Tribe Press 

Our books are paperback, perfect bound, color cover, with printed spine (writer's name, title, press).  We are committed to publishing accepted titles within four to ten months of acceptance. We offer a standard contract, a small number of author copies, a substantial discount on additional copies purchased by the author, and an annual royalty payment.​ There are NO fees to publish your book once accepted; however, we do offer an optional fee-based marketing plan. 


We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.